Studio Policies Overview
As a part of our effort to create a consistent and comfortable atmosphere in which our students can learn and grow, we have devised policies that encourage good attendance and respect for teachers and students. We have provided a general overview of those policies that generate the most interest from our parents.
Class Scheduling
Students should arrive and be ready for class a few minutes prior to their scheduled class time. Each class will be dismissed 5 minutes prior to the end of each class hour to facilitate a smooth transition between classes. Under no circumstances should a child arrive or be left waiting more than 10 minutes before or after his or her class. Students arriving to class after their warm-up period may be required to observe that day for their own safety.
Attendance on a regular basis is necessary in order for the student to receive the maximum benefit of dance classes. No tuition adjustments will be made due to absences, extended or otherwise. Make-up lessons are available for unavoidable absences (illness, injury, family emergencies) see Make-up scheduling policy.
Make-up Scheduling
Make-up classes are available for unavoidable absences (illness, injury, family emergencies), and for weather closings (see Inclement Weather Policy). Holidays closings recorded on our Studio Calendar are not eligible for make-ups. Make-up classes are also not available for planned events such as family vacations or school program performances. Make-up classes will not be offered after to January 1st.
Eligibility – In order to be eligible for a make-up class, the Studio office should first be notified of the student's absence as soon as possible. If notifying the office by email, at least 8 hours notice is required. Otherwise, notice must be given by phone at least one half-hour before the scheduled class begins. (Exceptions will be made, of course, for emergency situations.)
Scheduling – Makeup classes can be requested by phone or in person at the Studio front desk with Ms. Leah or Ms. Kiara. Make-ups should be scheduled within 2 weeks of the student's absence. Please be sure to notify the Studio front desk if a scheduled make-up class needs to be changed or canceled.
Inclement Weather
We try to automatically follow Philadelphia Public School's closings and delays regarding inclement weather conditions. However, when there is a studio closing due to inclement weather we will send out an email to the primary account e-mail listed in our parent portal; we will also post to our Facebook page & our Instagram account. Make-up lessons will be available for such cancellations. Parents - please make sure your information is up to date in order to get the latest notices for us.
Classroom Behavior
For the safety of our students, no gum is allowed in any of our classes. No eating is allowed during classes as well. If you must eat before class, please do so in the lobby and discard any trash in the outside trash cans.
Withdrawing From Classes
Appropriate action is necessary to withdraw a student from class(es). Please email and/or speak in person to Ms. Leah to be dropped from the class your child attends. Registration fees are always non-refundable. Please note your account will continue to be billed until the withdrawal is official.